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Environment Sensor HAT for Raspberry Pi, I2C Bus
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Environment Sensor HAT for Raspberry Pi, I2C Bus

Environment Sensor HAT for Raspberry Pi, I2C Bus

  • Производитель: Waveshare Electronics
  • Под заказ
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3 715,24
Environment Sensor HAT for Raspberry Pi, I2C Bus
Environment Sensor HAT for Raspberry Pi, I2C Bus
Environment Sensor HAT for Raspberry Pi, I2C Bus
Environment Sensor HAT for Raspberry Pi, I2C Bus
Environment Sensor HAT for Raspberry Pi, I2C Bus
Environment Sensor HAT for Raspberry Pi, I2C Bus
Environment Sensor HAT for Raspberry Pi, I2C Bus
Environment Sensor HAT for Raspberry Pi, I2C Bus
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Environment Sensor HAT for Raspberry Pi, I2C Bus
Environment Sensor HAT for Raspberry Pi
Features at a glance

TheEnvironment Sensor HAT is designed for Raspberry Pi, with rich onboard resources including ambient light sensor, VOC sensor, IR / UV sensor, gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer, barometer, temperature & humidity sensor, and so on. It uses the simple I2C bus for communicating with Raspberry Pi.

TheEnvironment Sensor HAT gives Raspberry Pi the ability to collect environment data like temperature & humidity, air pressure, ambient light intensity, VOC, IR ray, UV ray, etc. It can also be used to build a robot that can detect motion and orientation.

  • Standard Raspberry Pi 40PIN GPIO extension header, supports Raspberry Pi series boards
  • Onboard TSL25911FN digital ambient light sensor, for measuring IR and visible light
  • Onboard BME280 sensor, for measuring temperature, humidity, and air pressure
  • Onboard ICM20948 motion sensor, accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer
  • Onboard LTR390-UV-1 sensor, for measuring UV rays
  • Onboard SGP40 sensor, for detecting ambient VOC
  • I2C bus, allows retrieving data by just using two wires
  • Comes with development resources and manual (examples for Raspberry Pi/Arduino/STM32)
TSL25911FN digital ambient light sensor
I2C address0x29
Effective range0~88000Lux
BME280 temperature, humidity, and air pressure sensor
I2C address0x76
Temperature detection-40 ~ 85℃ (0.01℃ resolution, ±1℃ accuracy)
Humidity detection0~100%RH (0.008%RH resolution, ±3%RH accuracy, 1s response time, ≤2%RH delay)
Air pressure detection300~1100hPa (0.18Pa resolution, ±1hPa accuracy)
ICM20948 motion sensor (9-dof: 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscrope, 3-axis magnetometer)
I2C address0x68
Accelerometer resolution16-bit
Accelerometer range (configurable)±2, ±4, ±8, ±16g
Gyroscope resolution16-bit
Gyroscope range (configurable)±250, ±500, ±1000, ±2000°/sec
Magnetometer resolution16-bit
Magnetometer range±4900µT
LTR390-UV-1 UV sensor
I2C address0x53
Response wavelength280nm - 430nm
SGP40 VOC sensor
I2C address0x59
Measuring range0 ~ 1,000 ppm ethanol equivalent
Limit condition< 0.05 ppm ethanol equivalent OR < 10 % preset concentration point (the larger one should prevail)
Response time< 10 s (tau 63 %)
Start time< 60 s
On-chip humidity compensation support
Designed for Raspberry Pi series

Standard Raspberry Pi 40PIN GPIO header, customized for Raspberry Pi series boards

for reference ONLY, the Raspberry Pi Zero WH is NOT included.
What's On Board
  1. Raspberry Pi GPIO
  2. TSL25911FN digital ambient light sensor, for measuring IR and visible light
  3. LTR390-UV-1 UV sensor
  4. SGP40 VOC sensor
  1. ICM20948 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscrope, 3-axis magnetometer
  2. BME280 temperature, humidity, and air pressure sensor
  3. Logic level conversion 3.3V to 1.8V
  4. Voltage regulator 5V to 3.3V/1.8V
Pinout definition
Outline dimensions
Resources & Services

* Resources for different product may vary, please check the wiki page to confirm the actually provided resources.

Комплект поставки

  1. Environment Sensor HAT x1
  2. 2x20PIN female header x1
  3. 4PIN header x1
  4. RPi screws pack (2pcs) x1
Waveshare Electronics
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